Our Meeting in Mönchengladbach
Presentation of the Turkish team |

The „Nikolaus“ came to the students, Evaluation by teachers and students, last
questions, Trip to Düsseldorf with visit in the „Orbit“ and Christmas markets.
Last evening: Ice scating for the students and Dinner at the headmistress house for the teachers.
Workshop „Identity Flags“ for the students, Workshop „Interculturel
Communication“ for the teachers, Guided Tour through the school for the teachers,INNO-Truck, Presentation of the Flags. Disco at
the Circus Messajero
A Day in Cologne: Mosque, Cathedral, Christmas markets, Ethnological Museum "Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum" for the students and
a „Trip around the World“ with a visit in the Synagoge for the teachers.
Lessons for the pupils, Guided Tour through the school for the pupils, Organisational tasks
discussion of migration/minority situation at the schools for the teachers, Abteiberg Museum of Modern Art
Welcome to our School and City:
Music, Games, Town, Major, Presentation of the schools, Party with host families
A Day in Brussels:
Parlamentarium, Old Market Place